Follow our journey for financial independence, early retirement (FIRE), and ranching for profit.

Tag: financial independence

  • Lifestyle Inflation Is Your Choice, Not The Economy’s

    Lifestyle Inflation Is Your Choice, Not The Economy’s

      The Truckless Cowboy Brock and his new wife Kyra were now one and they dove head first into life. I work in an industrial refinery and Kyra is a Nurse. Making over six figures each per year yet we felt broke and did not know where our money was going. Was this some kind… Read more

  • The Truckless Cowboy

    The Truckless Cowboy

    Can you farm without a truck? Or what about making a living on the farm without a side (full-time) job to supplement your lifestyle? Stay at home mom in today’s high cost of living, forget about it. What’s all this talk about retiring early when I don’t even know if I will have enough money… Read more